Jennifer Akre - www.Simplybedroomfurniture.Com |
But when it comes to modern bedroom furniture you get a little more choice and purchasing power. The reason for this is the whole philosophy behind modern furniture pieces is that they are all about function and not detailed form. They are built to do a job and nothing more. Not be fancy or showy, just functional pieces of furniture. For the most part modern bedroom furniture pieces have the same general design. They are to be sleek and crisp, creating a very clean look in your bedroom.
That means whether the pieces were meant to go together or not, they will look great together because they were all created with the same concept in mind.
As you start your shopping keep in mind that the sky is the limit in the world of modern bedroom furniture for you. You can shop from the sets, independent items, or a little bit of each. One thing you may want to keep in mind is that there are often deals to be had when purchasing modern bedroom furniture in sets. With many furniture dealers they would prefer to move more pieces off the floor than just one or two. In return for getting that larger deal, they are willing to be a little more flexible with the price. Sometimes the savings can be substantial. While all the pieces individually may have been $3000, you may save $500 or more when you purchase them as a set. That savings is sometimes like getting one of the pieces of furniture free. That also gives you extra money you can now put into decorative accents in your room.
In order for modern bedroom furniture to look right, it needs the right lighting. This is probably the first of the accents you should purchase for your room. You need lighting fixtures that can be adjusted to be dim to allow the proper ambient lighting that modern bedroom furniture needs to look its best. Some people just purchase a more dim light fixture and leave it that way all the time, but if you want to ever be able to read and do other things in the room, that you need better lighting for, a light with a dimmer switch can serve both purposes.
The final touches on the room should be taken on slowly and determined. You don't need many accent pieces to go with modern bedroom furniture. Stick with the 'less is best' motto. If you are going to add accents make them very few, and make them count.
Source :
Jennifer Akre 's site www.Simplybedroomfurniture.Com